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A Full Comparison And Review Between Lasfit Floor Mats And Other Brands|2022 Hyundai Santa Fe

Lasfit Official |

*This article was originally created by Tina and Art. All the photos and content are authorized by Tina and Art. Many thanks to him for sharing such great content and stunning pictures with us!

Hi friends,

We are Dana and Art, We got a 2022 Hyundai Santa Fe and we’re in Ohio, so all-weather floor liners are really really important to us, we had a lot of requests of course. We first did a full review and fitment on the Weathxxx all-weather floor liners, and then a full comparison between Smartxxx and Weathxxx, which you can check in our Youtube Channel Spirit'ed Wrenchers. Now we will do an honest review and unboxing comparison to see what the clear differences are between weathertech and Lasfit.

You are spending a lot of money on floor liners you want to make sure that you are putting that money with the right brand. This article will focus on 7 points. Hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Material

Right off the bat, I can feel a difference in these floor liners. They just feel a little bit more flexible and softer compared to the Weatherxxx or the Smartxxxs, which both really felt like they were made out of the same exact material. Lasfit says that these are made out of TPE which is a variation of TPU that’s what I put on my phone case all the time, it’s one of my favorite products because of its durability and just how well it lasts.

2. Spikes

I can see that this is also different from Weatherxxx on the back,  you’ve got ridges on the underside as well as some of the spike, not as many spikes on the Lasfit as come on the Smartxxx, which I personally prefer that because I don’t like to be stabbed when I’m trying to put liners in or out of the car.

Lasfit floor mats

3. Gas Pedal Notch

Here is what I'm very excited about Lasfit, the notch. How many of our viewers of our fellow Santa Fe owners have complained about their floor liners not giving adequate protection to the gas pedal. I really excited to see how this notch changes the game. You can see the pictures, the gas pedal coverage around this gas pedal, it does go behind this gas puddle just a little bit it’s staying within the plastic molds and doesn’t impede the function whatsoever.

Lasfit floor mats

Lasfit floor mats

4. Locks

Another element that you may notice the difference is the Lasfit actually has locks for these floor liners. So you have a hook on the floor of the Santa Fe that comes out towards the seat, as soon as you put this liner in, you can pull this to kind of tighten up that grip and lock it into place. I think that’s a really cool feature, that is something that neither Smartxxx or Weatherxxx do. That is so much easier and I can lock it in place.

Lasfit floor mats

Lasfit floor mats

5. Logo

Immediately you see some very key differences here, we have the locks the logo is completely different, Lasfit logo is very clean, and it doesn’t look stuck on like the Weatherxxx logo.  No gunk that gets caught around them compared to the indentation of where their logo is crud gets stuck inside.

Lasfit floor mats

6. Smell

There’s actually no smell associated with Lasfit floor mats. You would think that a flexible type of plastic would have a smell and it doesn’t at all, especially after being shipped and sitting in our very hot shop for days, there is zero smell to these things which I’m a little bit blown away.

7. Grooves

The puddle area of Weatherxxx floor mats is actually deeper and Lasfit doesn't, it does have the nice grooves to be able to pull the water down into the bottom area, and the design of how it’s going to lay all of the water would accumulate in deep grooves. It has traction grooves that allow anything on your shoe to slide down and into the middle of the liner, while Weatherxxx is just flat there’s nothing. Lasfit floor mats don’t slide anywhere, I like the clean look and the logo the way that it’s printed.

Lasfit floor mats

Lasfit floor mats



There are no nubs on the bottom of smartliner. You said you got poked by them multiple times. But they don’t. If you were truthful in review I would have purchased the set from you guys. Smartliner has 0 nubs on bottom of mats. And doesn’t fit snug around edges


Please keep me posted when the mats for a VOLVO EX 30 is designed. Thank you. Sylvie Delisle

Sylvie Delisle,

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